The electronic Weekly Update shares upcoming programs and services from DSAWM and our community partners. Click here to receive the Weekly Update.
DSAWM’s quarterly, electronic newsletter, the DSA Press, provides personal stories, informational articles, and news relevant to the West Michigan Down syndrome community. Click here to receive the DSA Press.
Informational brochures are available in English and Spanish. For hard copies, call (616) 956-3488.
This monthly, lunch-hour learning series is held the 4th Wednesday of each month from 12-1pm. Bring your lunch (no food will be provided) and learn about a variety of topics related to Down syndrome. Visit the DSAWM calendarfor details on upcoming workshops.
Protect Young Eyes
Chris McKenna, national speaker and founder of Protect Young Eyes, led a seminar for parents and educators focused on ways in which they could better promote internet safety for young web users. Participants learned the problematic realities of digital engagement and strategies they could employ to keep children and teens safe online.
Don’t We Already Do Inclusion?
Dr. Paula Kluth – consultant, author, advocate, special educator, scholar and inclusion facilitator – shared with educators and parents how those concerned about inclusion can create change even when they are not in positions of power. The activities, examples, and illustrations in this workshop helped participants refine their vision and their skills when it comes to inclusion. The ideas are no or low cost, and many can be achieved by any number of stakeholders—including students and families.
From Defiance to Compliance
Alice Belgrade, M.S.Ed., LCPC, BCBA, of Chicago Behavior Consultants presented a number of parents, educators and childcare providers from across the state with information and strategies to help them better understand and deal with behavior issues in children who have Down syndrome. Handouts from the workshop are provided below:
Sibling Issues
Brian Skotko, MD, MPP, co-author of Fasten Your Seatbelts: A Crash Course on Down Syndrome for Brothers and Sisters, led a large number of parents, educators and service providers through a series of interactive exercises that explored the questions, needs and concerns commonly raised by siblings of children with special needs. Handouts from the workshop are provided below:
More Than Shared Classrooms
At the 2010 DSAWM Educator Conference, a number of educators from all over West Michigan learned about topics relevant to the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the general education classroom from former Special Education Director for the State of Kansas, Michael Remus. Handouts from the workshop are provided below:
Toilet Training for Every Child
Alice Belgrade, M.S.Ed., LCPC, BCBA of The Potty People (A Division of Chicago Behavior Consultants, Inc.) provided a crowd of eager parents with the knowledge and skill they need to help their children navigate this critical step in their development. Handouts from the workshop are provided below: